We will summarize your answer with the answers of other members who have also completed the online survey, and then calculate the collective result. The data is stored in the database, and our clients can analyze it in a way that never leaks your identity.
We take very cautious measures to protect all the information you share with us. That is to say, without your consent, your personal data will never be leaked, shared, or sold to third parties or used for transactions.
Jbb Survey members can register to enjoy the benefits of online surveys and rewards.
Jbb Survey is also an interesting way to learn about new products and services, and to help influence their development.
By joining Jbb Survey, you will become a member of this community with 5 million consumers worldwide and contribute to online research from top companies around the world.
To join, you must be at least 14 years old. Review our terms of use and confirm your eligibility.
Protecting the privacy of our members is our top priority. We will never sell anything to you or share your personal information with anyone who wants to sell anything to you.
We take strict preventive measures to protect all the information you provide us. The information collected through investigation will be conveyed to Jbb Survey's clients, but personal identity information will never be disclosed.
If you need to learn more about Jbb Survey's data protection policy, we recommend that you check the complete member privacy policy in the Privacy Policy.
Our customers are the world's largest well-known brands, and everyone will consume their products or services at a certain stage of life.
We keep the identities of our members and clients confidential to protect their privacy, while also protecting your privacy and avoiding bias during the investigation process.